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Memorial Page


February 25, 1995 - July 23, 2020
Sadly "Dallas" passed away from old age complications before she could find a retirement home to live out her days. She was surrounded by love from her long time caretakers. She will be extremely missed and we are sorry we couldn't find you a family of your own sweet girl!



January 30, 1995 - April 22, 2021


We learned of the sad news that one of our adopted horses crossed the rainbow bridge. Sweet Pantium, better known by his barn family as Romeo, was rescued in deplorable conditions back at Christmas - alongside his longtime pasture partner Timmy.

Both boys were cared for above and beyond by their foster mom, and subsequently adopted by one of his foster moms friends and boarders. Both of these amazing individuals have fought daily to ensure Romeo and Timmy had all they needed, and continue to fight for Timmy and his needs as he moves on without his friend.

Romeo laid down for his afternoon nap yesterday and passed away peacefully in his sleep. He felt no pain, did not struggle, and chose to pass on his own terms. It's clear that he was happy, so well loved, and content to lay down and let go of his worries.

His adoptive mom must now move forward to help Timmy continue to battle his laminitis, as well as cover the costs associated with the burial of Romeo.

"My troubles are all over, and I am at home." ~ Anna Sewell



March 24, 2011 - August 17, 2021


Our hearts go out to the adopter of Dream (renamed "Clover" after her adoption) as she sadly crossed the rainbow bridge due to inoperable colic. Clover spent only a few short months with her adopter, but during that time she had the chance to grow and learn how to be a wonderful riding partner. 


We send our heartfelt condolences to all of those that knew this wonderful, yet opinionated mare - her previous owners who sent her to us so she could find a "job" instead of simply being a pasture puff, her foster mom who worked diligently with her to bring her along even though they didn't always see eye to eye, and to her adopter's barn family who loved Clover like their own each and every day. 

"Our animal friends teach us more than we could have expected and love us more than we could have hoped…
that’s why we miss them more than we could have imagined." 



March 3, 2003 - November 19, 2021


They say that sometimes horses come into your life for a reason. Sometimes, we get a chance to have years with them. And sometimes, we just get a mere few short months. 
Today, we all said goodbye to MID LIFE. Affectionately known as “Ben“ by his foster home, and then “Danny“ by his adoptive family - Mid Life was one of the Standardbreds we pulled in the spring from the kill pen. YOUR donation dollars saved his life, he was your horse as much as he was anyones. 

This pint sized 18 year old gelding had a modest race career here in Ontario, Canada and then disappeared for many years, presumably as a buggy horse. He turned up in the Pennsylvania dealer lot back in January, the one that ships directly to the Quebec slaughter plant. He had an oozing infectious wound on his face and suffering from months, if not years, of neglect. 

Coming back home to the province where he spent his young years, this sweet boy healed and flourished under the daily care of his wonderful foster mom Beth. His story and his gentle demeanour caught the eye of so many - but ultimately, Mid Life got the chance to give back when he was adopted by Melissa, who runs therapy and lesson programs with Youth. 

Mid Life finally had his chance to be loved by young boys and girls (and adults) without a worry in the world. Sadly, his past neglect caught up to him this fall and his body began to fail. We are so grateful to Melissa for making the decision to let him go cross the rainbow bridge before his body shut down and he was in too much pain. 

He touched so many souls in just the few short months he was part of our New Start family. His story, his personality - he will live on in our memories. Our thoughts are with his adoptive family, and to his foster family too. 

Mid Life got to know love. His life was saved because he deserved the chance to know kindness. We only wish it was longer but we take solace in knowing that he is completely pain free now. 

Rest In Peace Danny boy.

“While time will fade the hoof prints, the ones left on our heart will never disappear.


Daylon Marauder

April 11, 2003 - April 18, 2022


Our beautiful Dyllon sadly left us after what we can only assume was due to a complication from colic. He went downhill extremely quick - from eating and drinking, to 2 hours later laying down and being uninterested in standing at all because of pain. Our vet agreed it wasn’t a normal colic response, as he was still passing manure as normal and all other vitals were normal - except he was in extreme pain. It was determined that he had flipped his intestine and it was sitting on his pelvis and a nerve, causing the extreme pain he was in. Immediately, my decision was I couldn’t see him suffer any longer. There were some options to try but it would prolong his suffering and the vet said the outcome was still likely going to be grim. The likelihood was, by the time he showed symptoms, the intestine had already flipped. Potentially it was a freak accident in a roll and had nothing to do with colic at all, but I didn’t request an autopsy so we can only assume. It was clear the intestine was displaced, that was the end result. 

Dyllon worked hard his entire life, it broke my heart to make the call and I’m forever grateful for my best friend and my barn partner at my side who agreed immediately with my choice. He needed us to be his voice, and I looked him in the eye - he was tired. That made the hardest thing I’ve ever had to say, just a little bit easier. It was best for Dyl. 

Dyllon was so close to his forever family. He had appointments booked this weekend, and more applications had come in for him. He was the centrepiece of our barn because he carried himself with a presence that captured everyone’s attention when they walked in. 
When he arrived, he was so scared of everything and all of the changes in his life. Each and every day he grew more confident in himself and watching him grow was a highlight for our team. He went from being afraid to even have someone sit on his back, to completing his first trail ride just a few days before his passing. 

He would stand for hours in cross ties for attention, and his extreme love of bananas would make everyone’s day when he begged for them. 

It breaks my heart that this sweet horse who worked so hard his entire life, had such a short “retirement”. But he was loved, he was cared for and knew kindness. I wish every moment I could go back in time and somehow protect him, but all I can do is find solace that he never has to work again or suffer pain for another. 

We can take it from here Dyllon, you’ve done your miles ❤️

“For in my mind, all memories are alive. And in my heart your image is deeply etched, and for as long as I am aware of myself, I will remember you."


Moonlit Tori

March 30, 2002 - June 3, 2022 

From the moment she stepped off the trailer almost a year ago, there was something in her mannerism that told us, she was “home” and that was that. She claimed our family as hers, and even though we pushed hard for her to find an adoptive home, she never had a single viewing in all the time she was here. She was right, this was home and we were her people. 
I wish I could turn back the hands of time and changed the universe so that she never knew hardship or pain. Tori was a fighter and a work horse every day of her life. She did everything with full steam ahead, and put all of her weight and thought process behind it. She was brave, she was independent, and she could never fail to make you chuckle with her “granny with a shotgun” mentality. 

We couldn’t fix what time and her previous neglect had already broken. But we could give her love, make her as comfortable as we could, and be there to make the ultimate kindest decision for her. I’ll quote a post that was shared with me just last night - “letting our beloved go in love when it is time, is our highest duty. It is not an easy duty - and it may cost us dearly - but it is our highest duty. We were chosen as guardian because we will carry out this duty from a space of love. No matter how many hands they passed through before they came to us, the universe anointed us with this responsibility.” 

I feel that today. My heart is hurting but my head knows that this was the kindest decision that could be made for our beloved Tori. The barn will never be the same without her, and I’m sure I’ll shed many tears over the coming weeks because she has been such a part of our family. Her memory will live on, her personality and spunk will never be forgotten, and we will continue to help others in her memory. 

Fly high, fast and pain free my beautiful girl. I know that Dyllon met you at the rainbow bridge to welcome you to the greenest pastures you have ever seen. Forever and always my dear Tori. ♥️

“In my dreams, I'll always see you soar above the sky. In my heart, there will always be a place for you for all my life”

Gimme Hope

March 31, 1999 - May 12, 2023


Some losses are harder than others, and even though Gio’s time in my barn was not long, he was one of the ones who has touched my heart the most. Knowing I had to make the call to let him cross the rainbow bridge, even though I could not be there with him to say goodbye, is one of the hardest choices I’ve had to make in all of my years of doing this. 

Gio unfortunately came up with a serious health issue a few weeks ago, and the prognosis to fix him was impossible. We made the ultimate but kindest choice for him to pass as peacefully as possible, and give him the opportunity to be free of pain. 


My heart is broken that Gio did not get the chance to truly enjoy his life, after being pulled out of the kill pen last summer. But I know that his last months and days were filled with love, and that he had the opportunity to know so much kindness. 


Because of the genuine kindness of amazing donors who rallied behind his freedom, is why Gio even got his second chance at life to enjoy these past months. To those people, we are eternally grateful. 

I’m so sorry that your time was no longer my sweet little G-man, but I know that you are pain free and being your cheeky little self up there over the rainbow bridge. 


“How lucky I am to have had something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” 

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Dealers Dream "Alora" & Shalomar Bliss "Bliss"

April 16, 1999 - July 18, 2023

April 23, 1994 - July 18, 2023


Two very special senior ladies crossed the rainbow bridge in the arms and care of their foster momma Katherine; after their senior bodies reached a time where they said “okay, enough is enough”. 

Everyone remembers our sweet Alora, her emaciated body and story of neglect was one I know many people followed while she was here rehabbing with us. We were so grateful to see her start to blossom last summer and finally get a chance at happiness. And her older “sister” Bliss; they got the chance to be reunited to live out their retirement. 

Sadly the past neglect and lack of kindness and compassion for so long, caught up to their bodies. Our girls said that they were tired, and they were ready to be able to run pain free across the rainbow bridge 🌈

Thank you Katherine for being so selfless to open your heart and home to these girls; and for loving them as your own while we made final arrangements for them. 

Run fast & free sweet girls, I know Jace was waiting for you on the other side ❤️‍🩹

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Billy Ruben

April 20, 2008 - November 13, 2023


We have some sad news to share with you this morning - our first “local” auction pull this fall - BILLY RUBEN (Ru); laid down last night and passed away peacefully in his sleep. 💔

We take solace in knowing that he went with a full belly, love and kindness from his caretaker momma, and from his fellow auction pull Atomic Yankee, whom Ru formed a very tight bond with over the last couple weeks during their quarantine. 

We wish you had more time to know love, kindness and have some fun in life sweet boy ♥️🥺 but it was your time, and that’s okay too 🙏🏻 

Rest in peace Ru ❤️‍🩹

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April 27, 2012 - January 16, 2024


Taco was the epitome of everything we do. He arrived to us in 2021, battered, bruised, emaciated, and scared. He was the shell of what a horse his age should have been. And slowly, as time went on, he began to blossom. He came out of that shell and showed us the personality that he had - and oh did he ever have a personality! You all fell in love with him on our journey and we were so elated when he found an adoptive family of his own; even with his quirks and the fact he would never be 100% sound because of the past abuse he suffered. 


But a veterinary appointment brought us to a crashing halt and a reality that we didn’t see coming. Because of the neglect he suffered at the hands of whoever had him before he was dumped in a lot destined for slaughter. And in weighing the options, the words quality of life and pain were put out there. Tacos quality of life was low, and the pain he was in, was extremely high. And so we have made the ultimate decision to allow Taco to cross the rainbow bridge.


We cared. Your family cared. Your new caretaker cared. Your breeder cared. All of those who followed your story, cared. And we will miss you sweet boy 💔

Run free and run fast, be sure to greet your old girl Tori and your old best friend Oliver .. I know they are waiting for you over there 🌈


April 22, 2024


🕊️ Our hearts are heavy as we officially share the devastating news of the passing of Yuri’s newborn foal. His journey into this world was met with unforeseen challenges, and despite our best efforts, he passed away during birth. 

We are deeply saddened by this loss. Though his short time in this world was fleeting, he was truly loved by our team and we fought hard to give him every opportunity ♥️ it just wasn’t meant to be, with complication after complication.


Thank you to everyone who has offered their support and condolences during this difficult time. Your kindness has been a beacon of light in our darkest moments. Rest peacefully, our big boy Hecate. You will always be remembered with love. I hope your angel wings are shaped like butterflies 🦋 🌟


Manhattan Killean

April 16, 2001 - May 25, 2024


Our sweet Mannie has crossed the rainbow bridge. 🌈 She arrived to us in the wintertime, and although she was in good spirits and good health, she did have a prepubic tendon rupture, leaving her with a large mass on the underside of her belly. She supposedly had this for a couple years and still was fine as a companion.


Unfortunately as spring came, the mass grew and on a veterinary exam, we were informed that there was a high likelihood of her intestines potentially slipping into this rupture space, which would cause her extreme pain and require emergency euthanasia if it happened. 

The last thing we ever wanted was to be a day too late and have Mannie cross the bridge in unimaginable pain. So we assessed the vet notes, looked at the risk, and we made the decision to let her go before the worst of heat, humidity and fly season kicked in. 

We are incredibly grateful to everyone who donated towards her end of life costs, and especially to her foster family, Amber and Dave, you go above and beyond every day for so many horses and Mannie was blessed to have you by her side today ❤️‍🩹

This classy matriarch of 24 wins, earnings of over $450,000 and mother to 8 amazing foals, will forever be remembered, and we were graced to have had her in our New Start family these past months. 

Fly fast across that bridge sweet girl ♥️ 🕊️

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Cowboys Like Us

May 10, 2001 - June 14, 2024


It is with our heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Cowboys Like Us. This 23 year old gelding was the sweetest and kindest soul to the very end. Rescued from the slaughter pipeline in the chill of winter, Cowboy was given a second chance at life thanks to the love and dedication of his former connections. His journey led him to us here at New Start, where he found a peaceful and loving retirement with his foster family.

Cowboy was a testament to resilience and the power of compassion. Despite the hardships he faced, his spirit and his sweet soul never wavered. Over the past month, his health began to decline, and it became clear that his body, which had endured so much during his many years as a buggy horse, was ready to rest. Surrounded by the care and affection of his foster mom, he found peace today under the morning sunlight.

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." – Anatole France

Rest in peace, dear friend. 
You are forever in our hearts. ♥️


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