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Our Ethics Policy

New Start Standardbreds holds itself to the highest ethical standards. All Directors, and all volunteers will continuously contribute to improving how New Start Standardbreds operates on a day to day basis. No members will abuse their position or expect preferential treatment.


No member of New Start Standardbreds will take advantage or benefits from information obtained during the course of their time within the organization. All members protect all information regarding New Start Standardbreds, and will not release or share confidential information without written permission from the person providing it.


Members understand the resources that they are trusted with on behalf of New Start Standardbreds, and work to help in establishing policies that work to secure and protect those resources. All members seek approval of all expenses, and if approved by the Board, will be reimbursed by the New Start Standardbreds Secretary/Treasurer, or in their absence, the New Start Standardbreds President.


Representing New Start Standardbreds both informally and formally to other associations, societies, government officials, and business representatives, is a duty that is embraced by all members of the organization. They recognize that they should leave others with a positive impression of New Start Standardbreds. Members work to enhance the good reputation of New Start Standardbreds, and avoid behaviour that may damage the image of the organization. 

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